Here is a Seven Step action plan suggested by Shri P N Devarajan which is to be agreed and acted upon unanimously by the group in order to achieve IIG dream.
There cannot be immediately a prescriptive process for activities / outcome / impact/ review and course correction followed by repeat of the cycle in the action plan from stages Strategies to Outcome, but generally speaking, the following are the guidelines for Steps below.
OUTPUT should be measured periodically, preferably concurrently against each activity which is already described in 1 - 14 grouped against Objectives 1 - 3. OUTPUT is both qualitative and quantitative the efforts must be towards to reducing qualitative content and increase quantitative measurable OUTPUTS, as we move on in the objectives to activities cycle repeatedly. The methodology to reach near 100% measurable OUTPUTS has to be devised collectively with expert advice progressively as the time rolls on but within the set period of 10 years, i.e. by 2026.
In this effort by placing information on the portal and throwing open to the general membership /ownership and wider stake holders we should elicit their advice, direction and guidance in converting the entire OUTPUT to OUTCOMES which have a solid measurable basis and can be understood by all stake holders.
The period of such a review can be half yearly/annually and in three years span for summary and consolidation and wide sharing. In the process of activity review OUTCOME review is also incidental since OUTCOME is a quantifiable output from the OUTPUT at every time. So, on the OUTCOME review, essentially, the stake holders should review by documentation the gap between expected outcome and actual outcome and suggest measures for the gap management in order to liquidate it in the shortest period in a manner and direction acceptable to majority of the stake holders.
The above OUTPUT and OUTCOME review will come for IMPACT ASSESSMENT. The impact assessment covers a wider range, community, geography and people on the important aspects of impact on economy, ecology and equity. This impact review analyses spanning OUTPUT to IMPACT must be reviewed by the governing council on an annual basis or even oftener as required in order to place it before the board of trustees of IIG and with their concurrence place it on the portal for larger public consumption, appreciation and adoption as the natural behaviour.
Communication 4 complete the assignment voluntarily undertaken
Now let us hear from others, their advice and correction both in content and sequence for taking it as a framework for the period 2016 - 2026 and Later the IIG secretariat can give a final cleaned up version as an output of this exercise. From this will arise various detailed measures such as micro planning, detailed action and follow up by designated groups for further consolidation.
From a teaching perspectives I see the following possible sequence
A progressive approach will ensure we move up the value chain steadily and also cover different segments of the society. Actual curriculum/TOC/ Pedagogy/LMS etc can be drilled down through a small team after we firm up the broad framework.
While Corporate Governance is a much-talked about and practised matter, there's very little progress on private governance. There are a couple of institutions that have been working on social governance at the global level. International Social Science Council (ISSC- is one such council.
While some good Samaritans who have decided to pay back to the society have set up NGOs and non-profit organizations, there are a couple of them who have set up committees to selflessly support the Govt in several initiatives. B-PAC is one such committee.
IIG- The intent is to support private/social governance, and spread the same to a large extent through another noble initiative, i.e., training, so that the act of governance reaches a large audience. Over a period of time, everyone practises governance voluntarily.
Can use from Mr Devaraj's draft.
1. Good Governance
2. Nil Discrimination
3. Happiness Index?????
Same as above;
1. Increase awareness in society on governance
2. Introduce governance as a subject for people in Govt/public service
3. Socialize governance as a vocation/practice
Cater to India initially, over a time frame of next ten year
Train professionals in Governance, so that they (certified professionals) in turn, can train more. If everyone practices governance, in the next ten years, India will be a far better place to live in.
1. To create and offer world class educational content in relation to governance
2. To continually undertake and facilitate research and scholarly work on governance related matters.
1. Educational Content
a. Creating content and modules that are relevant to a wide target audience, in particular:
i. 25-40 year olds
ii. 15-25 year olds - a wide target audience of 25 general and free Holding
b. Creating content and modules that are relevant to specific audiences, including:
i. Those that have chosen a career in Government / Public Administration
ii. Those that have a demonstrated interest in and commitment to governance / public administration.
c. Supporting other organisations who may share some of our objective.
Note: Some of the above content may be made available online while other content may be structured for dissemination in physical classrooms. Likewise, some of the above content may be offered without cost while other content made available at a cost. For each module of content, the most appropriate delivery system will be chosen.
2. Research
a. Establishment of a Research Centre that will regularly facilitate in regular compilation of best practices and learnings from around the world.
b. The Research Centre will also take the lead in designing and editing content for the modules to be developed, with the support of Governing Council Members and other experts.
Note: The Research Centre will be headed by a Director who has proven credentials in governance pedagogy, to be appointed with the approval of the Governing Council.
Post Script 1
We also need to define the Structure of the organisation, and I have taken the liberty of introducing a Governing Council as part of this structure.
Post Script 2
I personally believe that preparing/ delivering content for college going 18-25 year olds will be very challenging and we may choose to undertake this in future exercises. However, the same has been included as some members had suggested this at our last meeting.