Letter & Content

Six Levels of Motivation in Students....

From: Hariharan Subramaniyan
To: MS Pillai; MadhuKrishna; Radhakrishnan Pillai
Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2016
Subject: Six Levels of Motivation in Students

During our meet (25-dec-2015) Mr.Pillai in his random thoughts so vividly brought forward the current status of our youth and the possible remedies he himself constantly exploring. Mr.Madu Krishna took that to the tiny tots to tell how we can lay the seeds of leadership among them right there and see them flowering.

Tim Elmore who has dedicated himself in the grooming of NEXT GEN LEADERS and his reflections and pointers should add to our understanding.

Following are the links to these articles of Tim Elmore:

Six Levels of Motivation in Students

The Day I Stopped Asking Students the Wrong Questions

Thanks & Regards,
Harihara Subramaniyan