Dear all,
When Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji was about to enter as BJP's PM candidate for a full five year term,
I wrote to him asking whether all his prospective ministers are in Mission ready state - or do they need
training in the nuances of Governance. If so, I requested him to work on a short term intensive course
with IIM or any other Leading Institute and make them undergo.
For this, I received a thanking letter from Sri Vajpayee's secretary, beyond that nothing else seems to
take place.
But the thought has got strengthened in me with every passing year and the birth of IIG blossomed with an
aroma to transform our younger generations as Visionary Leaders loaded with the style of governance
needed to handle the word of today and tomorrow without compromising the ethics and moral values taught
by our predecessors since ancient time.
Let us strive together to thrash the following challenges faced by our younger generations.